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school day

The School Day

Our school day is organised differently to what your child may be currently used to. It may take a little while for them to gain a good understanding of the new routine but our staff will explain everything and support them so they know what to do. Each classroom also has a visual timetable on display to remind children of the routine. It is surprising how quickly children can settle into new environments.

The school day begins at 8:35am with the expectation that by 8:45am the children are in their seats with what they need on their desks ready for the register.  This includes signing up for dinners, getting books and pencil pots ready, putting lunch boxes in the correct place etc.

At 8:50am the children take part in our collective worship assembly in the school hall.

At 9:05am we start our formal lessons with break time between 10:45am – 11:00am and lunchtime between 12:30am – 13:25am.

After lunch, we continue with our learning until 3:00pm when we stop, pack away and read our class book.  There is no formal afternoon play which again is a change for the children to master.


To follow:

  • More about how you can help at home with their learning
  • Other activities you can do to help the children become Junior school ready
  • Information about lunches and uniform
  • Staff information
  • General information about the school day


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