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We were notified before Christmas 2019 by the Church of England that the school had been rated as ‘Excellent’ following a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) which took place on the 12th November. The grade of ‘Excellent’ is the highest outcome possible under the new inspection framework and replaces the ‘Outstanding’ grade of the previous one.

In a similar way to OFSTED, all Church of England schools are visited regularly to evaluate the key question: How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling all pupils and adults to flourish?

The inspection process proved to be very rigorous and focused on seven strands, including the school’s vision and leadership, progress of the pupils, relationships with the community, opportunities for the exploration of spirituality, and the impact the school has on a global basis.

It has taken a huge team effort to be now recognised as ‘Excellent’ by the Church of England and this could not have been achieved without the support, skills and commitment of everyone connected with the school. We would like to thank the children, staff, governors, parents and the community for continuing to make Pilton Bluecoat Academy the excellent school we all know it to be.”