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Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship Through Amigos Worldwide

Since 2007, Pilton Bluecoat Academy has worked closely with Amigos Worldwide which has been supporting children and families in Uganda for twenty years. The Barnstaple based NGO impacts the lives of others through offering a child sponsorship programme, training in farming, business skills, vocational skills and building boreholes.

At present over 400 children are being sponsored across Uganda. The Amigos website states that 'Child Sponsorship is linked to a very effective rural farming programme which is the key to its success – equipping caregivers to feed their families and set up small businesses to generate an income. Providing a ‘complete package’ means that over time families no longer rely on hand-outs but can support themselves.'

As a school we have been sponsoring a young boy called Isaac who is now 14 years old. Our children and school community have raised the funds for his education through collections at our Christmas and Summer productions. Isaac writes to us twice a year and his letters are read out during our collective worship. Our children also write to him in order to keep him up to date with what is happening at the school and in the UK. In May 2019, Mr Thomas, Miss Edwards and Mrs Nicholas travelled to the north of Uganda to visit Isaac at his home in a rural community near Masindi. They spent time with him sharing letters from the children of Pilton Bluecoat and gifts which were also sent. 

Isaac's £16 monthly fee is allocated as follows:

£2.00 Books, uniform and exam fees

£3.00 School dinner and healthcare

£6.00 Farming skills and training

£5.00 Business skills and training. 

Why Uganda?

  • Only 1 in 4 young people in Uganda complete their secondary education.
  • Uganda has the world’s youngest population with the highest unemployment rates
  • Uganda has one of the fastest growing populations on earth