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Ethos Ambassadors

Pilton Bluecoat Academy Ethos Ambassadors 2018-2019

At the start of the school year each class elected someone who they thought would make a great Ethos Ambassador for the school. The following children were selected:

  • Josh Ridd  and Leila Burbidge - Year 6
  • Madison Thomas and Lucas McCartney - Year 5
  • Isaac Lewis and Amara Williams - Year 4
  • Alex Langmead and Isla Surgeon - Year 3

The Ethos Ambassadors have a very important role within our school. They take part in the following activities:

  • Helping to lead worship - lighting the candle, saying some liturgy and/or a prayer
  • Being involved in planning school services with Mrs Tewkesbury and Rev Nigel Dilkes.
  • Representing the school at local events with a religious theme.
  • Deciding on Collective Worship themes, suggesting songs.
  • Monitoring the quality of Collective Worship through identifying their favourites and why.
  • Deciding on ideas for displays
  • Deciding on 'prayer space' activity ideas
  • Looking at RE books and finding a piece of work to highlight as being Ethos Ambassador approved.
  • Thinking of ways to promote the school ethos and liaising with School Council.
  • Attending occasional ethos committee meetings to inform governors on their thoughts.
  • Ethos Ambassadors

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    Ethos Ambassadors